poezii geniale george cosbuc
George Coşbuc
Noi vrem pământ!
Flămând şi gol, făr-adăpost,
Mi-ai pus pe umeri cât ai vrut,
Şi m-ai scuipat şi m-ai bătut
Acum 14 ani
1 comentarii:
I have been looking at this web-site and find it to be rather helpful. I would greatly be grateful for all assistance.
Not long ago, Louisville has emerged as a major center for the health care and healthcare sciences industrial sectors. Louisville has been core to enhancements in heart and hand medical procedures as well as cancer treatment. Certain of the first fake cardiovascular transplants were conducted in Louisville. Louisville's flourishing downtown medical research grounds involves a completely new $88 thousand rehab center, and a well being sciences investigation and commercialization park that, in alliance with the University of Louisville, has lured nearly 75 top experts and researchers. Louisville is also home to Humana, just one of the nation's biggest health insurance plan companies.
Louisville is home to a lot of major firms and institutions.
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